Saturday 6 April 2013

Are smart phone taking over our lives?

Are smart phones taking over our lives?

 Oh yes they are!

Let me ask you a few questions…. When you wake up in the morning what is the first you do? Check your smart phone or brush your teeth?
Have you ever crashed into a wall while sending a text message?
When you leave the house the first thing you check you have is your smart phone?

What would life be like without mobile phones? In the 40 years since the very first call was made using the new technology, life has changed beyond recognition – largely by their existence. So could we live without one now? I think we have all become a cyborg with our smart phones. As now they keep us so connected with the world. You can check your emails, facebook, take photos, and get directions. Oh yeah and make phone calls!

Everywhere we go now you’ll see people looking down using their smart phone; whether it be on the train, at the park, at a concert or at a restaurant. Even children these days are being entertained by a smart phone while the mum will sit and have a coffee with her girlfriend. And we all have that family member or friend who is glued to there smart phone no matter where you may be.

And that family member or friend is a friend growing. Growing by numbers day by day since the smart phone was created. And all these people are not only now conversing in society, of information, detail and data. But does this help our society, or lead us into a false state of social friendships and lifestyles.

As Baudrillard refers to this lifestyle as a hyperreality. How many of you can say you’ve been to a concert and there will be someone filming the whole concert through their smart phone and not actually watching and enjoying the concert and living in the present.

So life lesson 101: Lets go back to basics. If were all out for dinner and our phone rings, lets bring common courtesy back. Don’t pick up the call. Remember our phones are so advanced now, after the meal we can check who called, at what time, where they were…..etc! They’re that good ;)

1 comment:

  1. I agreed that smartphones are distracting our lives. It has taken our connection with family and friends and social lifestyles. Everywhere I go, I see people attached to their smartphones, eyes so focused, ignoring what's happening around them. I guess,if they left their smartphones at home or lost it anywhere else, they'd collapse.
